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Issue 8.1

Table Of Contents

Issue 8.1 (November/December 2009)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher: Seven Years and 2100+ Pages (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Review Windows 7 (Page 10)
Review SQLite Migrator (Page 11)
Review Bento 3.0 (Page 12)
Feature RB Summit 2009: Visiting the Boulder, Colorado Conference (Page 13)
Feature Meet Alex Restrepo: REALbasic, custom controls, and iPhone apps (Page 19)
Feature REALbasic Plugins: Getting started with the Plugin SDK (Page 23)
Feature Karel the REALbasic Robot: How the rbKarel robot simulation teaches logic with RBScript (Page 30)
Column Basic RB Controls, Part 1: Exploring the RectControl class (Page 41)
Column ClipSaver: Build a clipboard manager (Page 45)
Column Reporting Tools: Database reporting (Page 48)
Column Reporting with REALbasic: REALbasic 2009 Release 4 (Page 51)


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