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Issue 8.1



Issue: 8.1 (November/December 2009)
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Article Number: 8101
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fp Plugin 2.5

Version 2.5 adds the Beta Function, the Incomplete Beta Function, the Error Functions, the Exponential Integral, the Fresnel Integrals, and the Confluent Hypergeometric Function. Using a custom fp multi-precision engine, fp Plugin for REALbasic adds two new data types, BigInteger and BigFloat. Except for available memory, there is no limitation on the size of a BigInteger. BigFloat is a multi-precision floating point number. You can set both the internal precision and the decimal output precision for BigFloat, with no limitation except for available memory. fp Plugin itself allows you to construct programs which can handle the two new data types much like doubles and integers are handled. To a large extent the new data types can be freely used with the +, -, *, and / operators, and can be used in comparisons. And most of REALbasic's functions have been overloaded to take the new data types, where it makes sense to do so. Also fp Plugin supports the Gamma function and the Bessel functions.


fp Plugin 2.5







MBS Plugins 9.7

The MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the REALbasic development environment with 1,200 classes featuring over 26,000 documented functions. This release adds two new plugin parts. One to integrate the mobileMe (.mac) features into your application and another one to control the CUPS printing engine on Mac OS X and Linux. This way you can print files on a printer directly. Also we added several new Cocoa classes including a better integration in the future Cocoa REALbasic target. For compressions we not only have the zlib compression engine, but now also the BZip2 engine. The plug-ins require REALbasic 2006r4 or newer. Also required are 500 MB hard disc space and around 64 MB of RAM in addition to the requirements of REALbasic and your operation system itself. While all plug-in parts compile on Mac OS X (universal), Linux, and Windows, each function may depend on additional system requirements to work successfully. Plugin licenses are available for components or for the complete collection. If you buy a current license, you will get free updates for one year. After that year, you can update your license to cover an additional year.

Monkeybread Software Plugin for REALBasic




200 Euros (complete set); 20 Euros and up (per component)



RBScript Open Source Site

Steve Garman has started a new open source site for RBScript which he hopes will become a center for the sharing of RBScript context

classes and useful scripts or snippets. Currently it consists of a single project with a couple of mini-projects inside it. One demonstrates a context that allows access to reading/setting data in ListBoxes and ProgressBars but will later be extended for lots more types of RectControl. The other mini-project showcases a Date class which does many of the things we expect from a RB Date object. The code has been minimally tested on Windows and Linux but not on any Mac platform. Steve is eager for code or scripts to share in the project and asks that you email him about getting your code added as he hasn't quite decided exactly what checkin access any new members will have to the repository. Currently snippets of script code such as class definitions are currently held in constants mostly because it's a nice easy place to edit them. He hopes to later have a separate scripts directory where simple text files can be added. He also points out that the project currently uses EditFields and asks that if you check in code not to resolve them to TextFields and TextAreas as he'd like to leave them there for backward compatibility until Cocoa comes out.


RBScript Open Source Site







Ramblings on REALbasic Book

Aaron Ballman has edited and updated a compilation of over 200 of his best blog entries, including new content that's never been seen before, into a new book. In it you will find tips and tricks for REALbasic that are not available in any other source. Weighing in at around 550 pages, Ramblings on REALbasic covers topics such as the REALbasic language, design patterns, user experience, and Windows-specific technologies.


Book: Ramblings on REALbasic







REALbasic 2009 Release 4

REAL Software, creator of REALbasic, a cross-platform software development tool for Mac, Windows and Linux, has announced the availability of REALbasic and REAL Studio 2009 Release 4. This release offers 97 improvements and 39 new features, including a new report editor, which will be included in all versions of REALbasic, and build automation, a feature exclusive to REAL Studio. The new report editor allows developers to visually create a layout for printing by dragging and dropping labels, fields, images and more. Reports can be created to print a single page or multiple pages. The layout is divided into sections (header, body, footer as well as grouping sections for reports that have sorted data). "Reporting has been the most requested feature from our users and we are pleased to deliver," commented Geoff Perlman, REAL Software Founder and CEO. "The report editor will allow users to print from any source including text files, arrays, databases, etc. and since the interface is open any database supported by REALbasic can be used." The new build automation feature of the Project Editor is only available in the REAL Studio Edition. With Build Automation developers can now automate the most common functions of building their applications without having to write IDE scripts. The complete list of improvements and new features in this release can be found in the release notes in the product download section.


REALbasic and REAL Studio 2009 Release 4




$1495 (REAL Studio), $299 (Pro), $99 (Personal for OSX/Win, free for Linux)



Dataflow/Graphical Programming Framework

John Balestrieri of Tinrocket, LLC is releasing the first version of a REALbasic framework for creating, editing, and running dataflow programming systems--also known as graphical programming systems. Here's a screenshot of the framework running in a REALbasic application (http://cargobay.tinrocket.com/Rb/Dataflow/Media/Screen-shot-2009-09-23-at-11.16.49-PM.jpg). This is a similar type of system that's used in other software packages, such as Apple's Quartz Composer, Cinema 4D's Xpresso, and Prograph CPX. The need for this software arose from another project John is working on where he needed to patch together several image processing modules in GUI environment. This seemed like the best solution. Now he can now layout and edit the interconnection of modules. When a node is selected in the editor view, a page-panel reveals the configuration options for that node. He's releasing this framework hoping that others will find it useful as well.


Dataflow Programming Framework







UltimateSlider 2.0

Karen Atkocius has released the source for UltimateSlider 2.0. This Slider Subclass is a re-write of code she wrote and released almost seven years ago when new to REALbasic. It's main purpose was to provide an event that signaled the end of moving the thumb during LiveScroll, something the RB slider does not support. This useful when you wish to give the user some live numeric or visual feedback of the slider's current value but perform a final action that takes too long to perform while the user is actually moving the slider. This version provides a ChangeFinished event that is called when the Mouse button is released after dragging the thumb. This event should not break any existing code as for a "dead" scroll (LiveScrollChangeFinshed = false), the ValueChanged event is still called normally, and then the event immediately afterwards. That event order ensures the same code would work for both live and "dead" scrolls. This class also supports using the MouseWheel to change the slider value on all platforms (it's not normally supported on the Mac in the RB Framework). Also now holding the shiftkey down when the arrow key results in PageSteps instead of LineSteps for the delta. The big change with mousewheel support is that the ChangeFinished event will also fire when user stop moving the MouseWheel for a set time period, unless you turn it off.


UltimateSlider 2.0







PictureEffects 6.7

Einhugur Software has released a breakthrough update to the PictureEffects plugin, now supporting use of up to 8 CPU cores at once, allowing REALbasic to compete with best speeds of Image processing that is out there. The PictureEffects is a REALbasic plugin to do picture manipulation on 32bit images. The plugin is supported on MacOS Classic, MacOS X, Win32 and Linux target platforms. Main features: Red Eye Reduction, Brightness, Contrast, Sepia, Color Filter, NTSCColorFilter, Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Desaturate, Gamma, Blend, Rotate, Diffuse, Interlace, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, GrayScale, Invert , Sharpen, Smooth, Blur, MotionBlur, Gaussian Blur, Edge Detect, RankOrderFilter, Emboss, Pixelate, Mean Removal, Invert,Contrast Stretch, Equalize, Replace Color, Custom 3x3 matrix filter, Oil Paint, high quality Bilinear Scaling, Stretch, Polar Coordinates, Shape Distort, Barrel Distort, Twirl, Wave, Water Drops, Surface Wave, PageCurl, TrimPicture, Create Chroma masks, Render Clouds, Render Wood, Render Marble, Render Textile, Render Labyrinth, Map, ChannelMixer and a IProgressHandler Interface support for every filter. The PictureEffects also supports masking for most of the effects. The following effects have been accelerated on MacOS X, Windows, and Linux platforms to make use of up to 8 CPU cores: Rotate, Brightness, Contrast, Sephia, Color Filter, Grayscale, Desaturate, Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Invert,Invert,Contrast Stretch, Equalize, Replace Color,Gamma , Blend, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Sharpen, Smooth, Blur, Edge Detect, Emboss, Interlace, Mean Removal, Custom 3x3 matrix filter, Map, ChannelMixer, TrimPicture, Create Chroma masks, Render Clouds, Render Wood, Render Marble, Render Textile, Render Labyrinth, Shape Distort, Bilinear Scaling and Stretch.


PictureEffects 6.7




$199 (for all plugins), $45 (upgrade)



instaplaylist 1.0

Bains Software, a longtime developer of Mac software, is proud to announce the release of their first iPhone app: instaplaylist. instaplaylist is the universal remote for music. It allows users to quickly create a playlist of YouTube music videos from their iPhone or iPod touch and enjoy them on any computer on the same WiFi network. The videos play on the user's computer while they control playback from their iPhone. Videos continue to play even if the user exits instaplaylist or turns off their iPhone. With a tap of their finger, the user can: Play/pause, Jump to the previous/next video, Add and remove videos, Reorder their playlist, Adjust the volume, and more. No software installation is required. instaplaylist is compatible with any computer (Mac or PC) with a modern browser installed. Minimum requirements: WiFi network, iPhone or iPod touch with OS 2.2.1 or later, and Computer capable of visiting YouTube.


instaplaylist 1.0








CustomEditField 1.6.1

Alex Restrepo has updated CustomEditField, his EditField replacement class, with a number of bug fixes and a couple of new features like Placeholders and Code block highlighting. It is also significantly faster when loading large texts. The download archive also includes a great sample project by Thomas Tempelmann, using his diff code. New: Xcode-like Placeholders! you can now define placeholders in the syntax definition, these are single units, meaning that they will always be totally contained in a selection. If clicked on, they will select themselves automatically and raise the PlaceholderSelected event. see the note on Syntax Definitions for more info. New: Xcode-like code block highlighting, when the mouse is over the folding markers area. New: ReadOnly property. New: Event BlockCharsMatched(blockOpenChar as string, blockOpenOffset as Integer, blockCloseChar as string, blockCloseOffset as Integer). New: Autocomplete suggestions window now auto resizes to the width of the available suggestions.


CustomEditField 1.6.1




$100 (for source code)



RB Code Reports 2.0

RB Code Reports provides software metrics for your REALbasic application. It gives you a way to objectively evaluate the maintainability of your project and improve its performance. It analyzes your project and produces a set of reports including the Statistics, Optimizations, Cyclomatic Complexities, Warnings, Signatures, and Spell Check reports. You can use these reports to clean up and optimize your code and show you what methods need to be refactored.


RB Code Reports 2.0




$24.95 (new); $12.50 (upgrade)



VB Migration Assistant

REAL Software, creator of REALbasic, announced the availability of their new VB Migration Assistant to help developers migrate their applications from VB to REALbasic. Using the VB Migration Assistant developers can more easily port their code to REALbasic, instead of using the tedious copy/paste method. The VB Migration Assistant allows users to map VB controls to specific REALbasic controls and move forms, classes and modules to a REALbasic project. Further, the Migration Assistant copies over all of the code and comments it out, which allows users to convert code one method at a time. The VB Migration Assistant works with VB5 and VB6 projects, and is available for download now.


VB Migration Assistant







Formatted Text Control 1.6

The FTC is a canvas based control for REALbasic that implements word processor capabilities similar to Apple Pages or Microsoft Word. The FTC is useful for implementing reports and general word processing capabilities within your REALbasic applications. The FTC features the following capabilities: Four display modes including page, normal, edit, and single - RTF support including picture support - A full range of paragraph and character styles - Picture support - Custom object support for adding application specific items - Built in undo management - Many customization options to adapt the FTC to your application - Highly optimized code written in REALbasic for maximum flexibility. The big new feature for version 1.6 is the addition of spell check as you type capabilities and speed optimizations. This version also addresses 10 bug fixes and enhancements. The price for the FTC has been lowered to $300 making it even more affordable for a set of non-encrypted modules. Currently we are offering a coupon on the website for 33% off the price. If you join the Association of REALbasic Professionals (www.arbpmembers.org) at the professional level, you will receive a coupon for 50% off the price of the FTC!


Formatted Text Control 1.6




$350 (unencrypted modules)



Property Listbox v1.0

Jérémie Leroy announces the release of the Property Listbox Control. This Custom Control based on a ListBox, acts like REALBasic's Property Listbox displayed on the right in the Project and Window Editor tabs. This XML-driven control is used to display and edit a list of properties. The Property Listbox is one of the first available Listbox that has a real auto-complete feature. Cells can take up to 10 different types (More can be added): TypeDefault; TypeNormal; TypeCheckBox; TypeEditable; TypeList; TypeEditableList (with Autocomplete option); TypeColor; TypeFolderItem; TypeRadioButton; TypeRating. Each Cell can have its own Helptag.


Property Listbox v1.0







RB Linux Maker 1.0

"RB Linux Maker" (RBLM) is program designed to simplify the creation of Linux shared libraries which in turn are installed in a REALbasic (RB) rbx plugin. If you are developing an RB plugin you will typically start developing on the Mac under XCode and then port it to your Windows environment to build the Windows DLL. Then comes the Linux build and you have to build with gcc and makefiles. This is not a terribly difficult thing to do if you are experienced with gcc, makefiles, and the unix environment, but creating makefiles can be a tedious thing to do especially if you have nested folders within your source code folder. The idea behind this program is to bypass the use of makefiles and use this program to dynamically build your shared library with the least hassle. When you run RBLM, it scans your source code folder and looks for "c" and "cpp" source code files and compiles them using "g++". It also builds a list of include file locations within your source code folder and puts those paths in the command to compile the file. So this means you can rearrange your code without having to worry about changing include paths. After it compiles all the source files it found, it then links those object files into a shared library.


RB Linux Maker 1.0




Free (open source)



Spell Check Utilities 2.3

True North Software has announced the release of version 2.3 of the Spell Check Utilities (SCU). The SCU builds off the Wintertree Sentry Spell Checker Engine (SSCE) by providing the glue code, in the form of a plugin, to access the SSCE routines in REALbasic. The problem with many spell checking solutions in the REALbasic market place is that they use platform specific built-in services to provide spell checking. This is fine if you want to build for only one platform or the other, but becomes a hindrance when you want to create a cross platform application that behaves exactly the same for every platform. The SSCE is a fast, professional, cross-platform spell checking engine and has many features and benefits. Version 2.3 now supports Linux.


Spell Check Utilities 2.3







TextList Class 1.0a1

EdLR Softs released TextList, its first Open Source class. TextList is a class that simplifies the process of creating fixed width column list. It may be useful to format data output for a console application. It mimics the ListBox behavior. So, if you're familiar with this control it should be easy to populate it, to modify or delete data. But this is not a RectControl. This is not a control at all. Thus you can use it in a console app. Once you're done building your list, just use the ListBox.FormattedString to get the result as a string. Of course, this string is meant to be displayed/printed with a fixed width font. This is an alpha release since there is a lot of room for improvements and new features. We are mainly looking for feedback about where this class could be helpful for you.


TextList Class 1.0 alpha 1




Free (open source)



Remote Mouse Released

Custom Solutions of Maryland released Version 1.0.0 of Remote Mouse, a utility to use the little white remote that may have come with your computer to move and click your mouse. A single click on one of the remote's buttons move the cursor 5 pixels up/down/left/right. Multiple-click on the same buttons move the cursor Step Sizes where the Step Size is set from the menu bar. The User may try Remote Mouse in Demo Mode for ten launches before registration is required.


Remote Mouse







SEEdit Maxi II 2009.09

SEEdit Maxi II is an XHTML editor for Macintosh. With SEEdit's fast and powerful Editor Toolbox insertion of code and classes is always just one click away. SEEdit's handy advanced Tag Editor also handles CSS classes and Javascript functions. Other powerful features to assist professionals and hobbyists alike include: Tidy Checker for standards-compliant code; the Quick CSS Tool for rapid CSS development; extensive Multi-language support and Auto Complete. New in this build: Improved User Interface, Improved Quick FTP, Improved Text Auto Complete, Minor Fixes.


SEEdit Maxi II 2009.09







RSReport 2008.2.2

With RSReport you can create static or dynamic reports in an object-oriented manner, show them in a print-preview, of course print them -- and even save them as .pdf. This is on both OSX and Windows (Linux should work, too -- but has never been tested and used) -- without the need of any Plugin or PDF-Converter/Printer. It's all written in pure REALbasic. The following basic drawing elements are available: Text, Line, Oval, Rectangle, Checkbox, Image, RTF-Text, Triangle. Charts:Line and Bar. Requires REALbasic Professional 2008r4 or newer. New in this version: Closing the Preview cancels the report-build-process; CRSRText.RotateAngel only supports given constants, falls back to non-rotated for unsupported angles; Elements contain methods to place and mesure width/height in Inches.


RSReport 2008.2.2




$86 (free to try)




The open-source DataPlotClasses includes the following enhancements: Added ByRef DPoint as integer to Trace.Contains to return the index of the Datapoint that contains the passed coordinates. If no point was found, DPoint is -1. Added DPoint as integer as passed arguments to all trace mouse events in Figure, i.e. Figure.MouseDownTrace, Figure.MouseOverTrace, and Figure.TraceClick. Added xVal and yVal as return values to the Figure.BoxClick and Figure.TraceClick events. Added several MouseDown events to Figure, i.e. Figure.MouseDownTrace, Figure.MouseDownBox, Figure.MouseDownGraph, Figure.MouseDownFigure. Renamed the examples more appropriately and included a new example that demonstrates the concept of adding/inserting/dragging/deleting of datapoints using the mouse.









Ben's ListBox Extras 1.3

Bens ListBox Extras is a REALbasic ListBox subclass allows you to easily print the contents of the ListBox, includes better cell formatting and a quick way to add and store hierarchical data. REALbasic 2006r3 or higher is required. This update is free for existing users. Features: Easily print the contents of a ListBox including custom headers and footers on each page; Different font and font sizes for the cells and headers; Provides a quick, standard way to add and store hierarchical data (1 row deep); Allows suppressing mouse clicks in the ListBox Header; Gets the Header Height; Add pictures to any cell and any position in that cell; Custom cell background colors; iTunes like odd/even row coloring; adds in a workaround for REALbasic bug wvvxhunx to allow drawing the row background color past the last column (like iTunes); adds Popup Menu type for cells/columns. The CellAction event includes x, y location for the menu; adds RectControls to any cell (these can also be printed); can set the color of cell text; can set the font and font size per cell; Mac style listbox selection including options for Blue and Gray gradient highlight styles; Resize columns to largest cell text New Features:; Cell Pictures can now be placed anwhere in the cell with the addtion of the Top parameter; added displaying and printing of controls in cells (only BevelButton, Checkbox, PopupMenu and ProgressBar have been tested) Bugfixes: fixed potential recursive bug with getting BB_RowHeight; renamed HeaderHeight to BB_HeaderHeight for compatibility with 2009r1; printing right aligned text now has the correct horizontal location.


Ben's ListBox Extras 1.3




$30 (full source code)



REALbasic Wins 'Best Programming Language'

REAL Software, creator of REALbasic, a cross-platform development tool for creating software for Mac, Windows, and Linux, announced that REALbasic won "Best Programming Language" during The Code Project's First Annual Members Choice Awards. The Code Project is one of the largest online developer communities in the world, with more than six million registered members. The Code Project community was asked to rate their favorite software development-related applications at http://catalog.codeproject.com. Each codeproject.com member decides which companies or products deserve recognition. "Having REALbasic recognized as the 'Best Programming Language' in the Members Choice Awards is particularly valuable because it reinforces what our customers have been telling us all along - that REALbasic improves their productivity by letting them develop 4 times faster than any other programming language and being truly cross-platform, and that it puts the fun back into programming," commented Geoff Perlman, Founder and CEO of REAL Software.





KillerToolBar v1.0.1

KillerToolBar is a cross-platform toolbar for REALBasic which is like no other: it uses a theme-based framework so that the toolbar may mimic the look of any toolbar on any operating system, including OS X, Windows XP, Linux KDE Desktop or any other theme or design you care to create. Furthermore, KillerToolBar requires no additional images to be present in your code as all the drawing is handled by the toolbar itself. The developer has updated the demo files for KillerToolBar so that they work with newer versions of REALbasic. The previous demo windows used .State for checkboxes but since these are now tri-state and no longer Boolean the demo windows now use .Value instead.


KillerToolBar v1.0.1







REAL Server 2009 r1

REAL Software, creator of REALbasic, a cross-platform development tool for creating software for Mac, Windows, and Linux, today announced that REAL Server 2009 Release 1 is now shipping. REAL Server, REAL Software's cross-platform, multi-user database server, boasts greater scalability, increased performance and 8 new features, including a new architecture, restore points and full-text searching. New Architecture: REAL Server 2009 has a new, scalable architecture that supports over 10,000 concurrent connections from a single server installation. REAL Server is simple to install and easy to manage while providing extraordinary scalability. Improved Adaptability: REAL Server 2009 can easily adapt to use all available cores or share them with other applications and it can utilize server hardware RAM to dramatically increase the speed of queries. Optimized Responsiveness: REAL Server 2009 uses state-of-the-art technology provided by each supported platform to maximize performance. This allows REAL Server to work on all operations concurrently which prevents large and time-consuming operations from slowing down other users. Restore Points: REAL Server 2009 adds restore points that log every operation, allowing users to restore their database right up to a specific operation. Extendable via Plug-Ins: REAL Server 2009 includes a plug-in architecture that can extend the SQL language, which offers the ability to change how results are sorted and to create custom server commands. SQLite Extensions: SQLite extensions are supported in this release of REAL Server which offer users all of the new functionality others have added to SQLite, the database engine of REAL Server. Full-Text Searching: Full-text searching is now supported in REAL Server, making it possible to build a new class of database applications that was not possible with previous versions. Also, developers can now store huge amounts of text-based data and search through it in seconds. Over 60 New Commands: REAL Server 2009 adds more than 60 new commands to the 70+ commands already supported by REAL Server.


REAL Server 2009 Release 1




$299 (5-user), $599 (unlimited), Free (Developer Edition)



IP in menubar 4.1

Monkeybread Software has released IP in menubar 4.2, an update of the app for Mac OS X (10.3.9 or higher) that shows the current IP address in the menubar. The new version adds German localization and fixes some bugs. The source code is included in IP in menubar 4.2. This application shows REALbasic developers how to create and update a menu in the top right of the menu bar.


IP in menubar 4.1




Free (donations accepted)



End of article.