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Issue 8.1


Reporting Tools

Database reporting

Issue: 8.1 (November/December 2009)
Author Bio: Bob is the owner of BKeeney Software located in Kansas City. He is a founder and the current President of the Association of REALbasic Professionals.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 6,279
Starting Page Number: 48
Article Number: 8113
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Excerpt of article text...

It's been a pretty amazing year and a half since Real World 2008. During the conference, between sessions, and even in the after-hours events, I've had conversations with many REALbasic developers about the lack of reporting options for REALbasic. I've even lobbied every REAL Software employee that I could bend the ear of for a built-in reporting tool.

The community obviously thought it was a pretty important thing as well. In the 2008 Association of REALbasic Professionals "Wish List" Survey, it was the top rated wish among ARBP and non-ARBP survey takers alike. REAL Software was listening as well.

When I spoke at the REALbasic Summit in Boulder, Colorado in late September of this year, I was pleased to do an hour long session on nothing but reporting tools. Instead of just one, there are now several options! Here is a summary of what is available.

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.